Channel 4 News
‘It’s my generation that’s caused all this trouble, so here I am.’ from Truth is
Danish hero who rescued Chinese from massacre
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing from Truth is
Áhugaverður vinkill á hversu ófyrirsjáanlegar stórar ákvarðanir geta verið. from Truth is

Review: Google Chrome has become surveillance software. It’s time to switch.
If it’s free it probably isn’t. I mostly switched to Firefox half a year ago, faster and nicer with very few issues, occasionally need to switch to Chrome for Google Drive convenience. Although I do use Chrome as a second browser (multiple logins for some sites) but am shopping around for a replacement. A tech…
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This is modern art, truly.
So smoothly human depravity morphs into a critical and satirical masterpiece of modern art – View the short and brilliant video at Some background, AFTER you’ve watched the video above:* The story behind this incredible New Year’s Eve ‘Manchester masterpiece’ photo * Reveller in epic ‘Manchester masterpiece’ photo doesn’t remember a thing* How I…
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Good, short review of 737 Max issues implications

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