Month: March 2020


Herkvaðning á Íslandi? Áslaug Arna setur nýja reglugerð – „Borgaraleg skylda manna að gegna, án endurgjalds, starfi í hjálparliði“ – DV

68. gr. Stjórnarskrár Íslands “Nauðungarvinnu skal engum gert að leysa af hendi.” Lög þurfa að standast stjórnarskrá. from Truth is

March 19, 2020 0


Good point from Truth is

March 12, 2020 0

These Bikers Escort Child Victims To Court To Confront Their Abusers—And Give The Kids Cool Nicknames

Although there are way too many assholes in the world for every one of them there are scores of wonderful people ❤️ from Truth is

March 4, 2020 0

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck

In our world today, this can be quite helpful :) from Truth is

March 3, 2020 0

The Coronavirus Is Much Worse Than You Think

Interesting view: ‘The coronavirus is quite simply, and almost exclusively, a moral panic. This is so in the most literal sense.’ from Truth is

March 3, 2020 0