Source: Occupy movement hand signals – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Category: Democracy
A Better Government, One Tweak at a Time – The New York Times
Google’s design process is the touchstone guiding a team experimenting with dozens of small changes that will save big money throughout the federal government.
Source: A Better Government, One Tweak at a Time – The New York Times
Gáspar Miklós Tamás: ”This is post-fascism”
Gáspár Miklós Tamás (b. 1948) is one of Hungary’s most prominent intellectuals and an important political voice in Europe. Trained as a philosopher and author of numerous books and articles, he was a leading dissident in the 1980s. Today he calls himself a Marxist and is very critical of Hungary’s …
Voter Turnout Database | Voter Turnout | International IDEA
Fréttir | Reykjavíkurborg – Betri hverfi – Myndir
Source: Fréttir | Reykjavíkurborg