Source: Startups be warned: Something weird happens to companies when they hit 150 people — Quartz
Category: Equality
Did Reddit’s April Fool’s gag solve the issue of online hate speech? | Ars Technica
Luna, the Most Human AI Prototype to Date, Wasn’t Built By a Tech Giant | Big Think
This AI hates racism, retorts wittily when sexually harassed, dreams of being superintelligent, and finds Siri’s conversational skills to be decidedly below her own.
Source: Luna, the Most Human AI Prototype to Date, Wasn’t Built By a Tech Giant | Big Think
Simple Framing: An Introduction to Framing and Its Uses in Politics
Compare Countries With This Simple Tool
The true size of any country
Drag and drop countries around the map to compare their relative size. Is Greenland really as big as all of Africa? You may be surprised at what you find! A great tool for educators.
Minds is an open source social network. Search, create, blog and share free video, images, audio and text. All site information is licensed creative commons or public domain. Create a channel on to broadcast your content, or launch your own social network with Minds Multisite.
Source: Minds
Stop Googling. Let’s Talk. – The New York Times
What have we done to face-to-face conversation?
A Better Government, One Tweak at a Time – The New York Times
Google’s design process is the touchstone guiding a team experimenting with dozens of small changes that will save big money throughout the federal government.
Source: A Better Government, One Tweak at a Time – The New York Times
Gáspar Miklós Tamás: ”This is post-fascism”
Gáspár Miklós Tamás (b. 1948) is one of Hungary’s most prominent intellectuals and an important political voice in Europe. Trained as a philosopher and author of numerous books and articles, he was a leading dissident in the 1980s. Today he calls himself a Marxist and is very critical of Hungary’s …