Author: gunnar
The Brutally Honest 6 Reasons You Are Still Overfat | Strength Coach Taylor
e-lected blog (a view on electronic voting around the world).: Internet voting improving voter turnout and securing the system
The Likely Cause of Addiction Has Been Discovered, and It Is Not What You Think | Johann Hari
The Likely Cause of Addiction Has Been Discovered, and It Is Not What You Think | Johann Hari.
Well, it’s what I’ve always thought it was, being unhappy in bad circumstances is the main reason for addiction to bad habits. The way to minimize the drug problem (it will never go completely away) is to make the world a better place for as many people as possible! Equality for all is the key!
Top 100 tracks of 2014 | Other Side of Music | Page 3
Check this out, probably a good list of music you’ve never heard most of.
Fibonacci Sequence stuff
Fader Care and Replacement
This is pretty cool for getting ideas on how to spend your time to Iceland, even if you don’t book anything.
Loki’s Wager is Why You Can’t Win Arguments on the Internet
Any time I get tempted to argue on the Internet I will try to remember to paste this instead.
Loki’s Wager is Why You Can’t Win Arguments on the Internet.