Month: April 2020


Denmark and Poland are refusing to bail out companies registered in offshore tax havens

Here we see a part of the reason why people vote for nationalists. This is so obviously right but none of the other political parties are likely to do something like this. Why? from Truth is

April 20, 2020 0

Better together means Scotland and Wales are expendable

We’re all in this together, right? from Truth is

April 15, 2020 0

„Við vitum hins vegar ekki hve lengi vinstri slagsíða hægrimanna endist“

Hin eilífa spurning kratanna, hélt í alvöru að hann væri að tala um sinn eiginn flokk þar til ég las greinina… from Truth is

April 14, 2020 0

Gáfu Landspítala 17 öndunarvélar og 140.000 veirupinna

Svona fréttir gera mann að örlítið meiri kapítalista ❤️ from Truth is

April 9, 2020 0